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Hi, I'm Jordan.

Handshakes, side hugs, full-on hugs, whatever you're into, it's nice to meet you. 

Meet the founder:

Let's get real. No one wants to hear about how I spent the last 10 years of my career at creative marketing agencies in Atlanta and New York, working alongside brilliant talent, where we developed award-winning marketing campaigns for Fortune 500 companies. 


Whew. Glad we got that out of the way.

Now for the good stuff. 

Jordan Masce Yoga Pose
Jordan Masce

Robots are boring.
I'm not a robot. 

One of my best friends recently described me as: 


A free spirit, Type-A powerhouse who always has a good time and gets sh*t done.


See, I told you I'm not a robot. Robots don't have conflicting personality types. Need more convincing, see below:

I'd pick salty over sweet any day unless it's a Snickers bar.


I don't mind sleeping in a tent for two weeks when traveling, but I would never say no to a boutique hotel room with a ceiling fan. 


Live music and mediocre dance moves are two of my favorite ways to *let loose*. 


Yoga is my love language, and I aspire to be zen AF, but challenge me to a competition, and all bets are off. 


Corgi Mom, Plant Mom, Former Beta Fish Mom (RIP), and plans to be another human's mom someday are a few of my many titles. 


My Instagram feed is my preferred way of keeping up with friends, but I'm always down for a two-hour FaceTime catch-up sesh.    


Home is with my husband and the pup in Savannah, GA. The trees, the beach, and the cobblestone streets had me at first sight. 

But I'm an Arkansas girl at heart. Give me the hills of the Ozarks any day of the week. Woo Pig Sooie, ya'll!


I get it. Robots - cough AI cough - have gotten pretty smart over the years. Let's ease those suspicions and chat IRL. 

Want to make double-sure
that I've got
the chops?

Entering LinkedIn mode in three, two, one...

I have 10+ years of experience at marketing, advertising, and public relations agencies. I have supported B2B, B2C, and Talent Acquisition clients. I've written copy for websites. I've launched and managed social media channels. I've led the charge on brand positioning updates and creative refreshes for some of the largest companies in the world. I've managed teams. I've managed projects. I've built and presented reports showcasing how and why the recommendations were successful. Boom shakalaka. 

What's next on the agenda?

I'm here to help YOU put your business, brand, and services directly in front of the people who will ultimately receive a version of an email that says: 

Thank you for shopping with us. 


Click below to find out how. 


Jordan Masce Marketing Logo Stamp

Let's address the elephant in the room. It's pronounced Ma-Shay. Like the paper mache art project you did in second grade. The one with glue, and probably a balloon. Okay great, now you can subscribe to my weekly newsletter where I give you the down-and-dirty summary of what's happening in my life and the ever-changing world of marketing.

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