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Not your average marketing blog. 

Expert resources, tips, & marketing tricks.

Remember when blogs were all the rage, and had cutesy names like  Carrie's Cupcakes and Trendy Travel Tips? No offense to any Carries, cupcakes, or trendy travel tippers out there...


Well, spoiler alert, this ain't that.


Each week I'll post a blog covering a marketing topic that people are talking about. I'll give you my two cents, take it or leave it. Hopefully, it sparks some ideas, inspiration, and conversation.

TL;DR type? Sign up for my weekly email subscription. We're talking the cliff notes of modern blog posts.  

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Let's address the elephant in the room. It's pronounced Ma-Shay. Like the paper mache art project you did in second grade. The one with glue, and probably a balloon. Okay great, now you can subscribe to my weekly newsletter where I give you the down-and-dirty summary of what's happening in my life and the ever-changing world of marketing.

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