Ah, July in Savannah, Georgia.
It's the most wonderful time of the year. Humidity is at its peak. It rains for five minutes nearly every day. You are one thousand percent going to sweat if you even consider going outside. Tourists are EVERYWHERE. Yep. Savannah summertime is where it's at.
But really, if you can't stand the heat, stay home until October. You'll thank me later.
Okay, enough of the weather forecast. It's still June. There's still a breeze from time to time. There's still hope of survival.
Switching gears to why you're all here. Marketing. Yes, everyone's favorite topic.
Queue the fireworks because I have big news.
July 1st, the first day of every southeast Georgia resident's favorite month, is the official brand launch of Jordan Mascé Marketing.
BOOM 💥 That is supposed to emulate fireworks exploding into the sky, dripping beams of sparkly flames, causing the crowd to go "ooo" and "ahh."
So, you might be asking why I have decided to launch my brand on the first day of July. Not only is July 1st on a Monday, but it's also the first working day of the week before most Americans take off for a long weekend to celebrate everyone's favorite summer holiday, the Fourth of July.
Do I know anything about marketing?
Answer: Yes.
Here are three reasons why I've decided to launch my brand on July 1, 2024.
Reason Number One:
The need for a research-based content marketing strategy doesn't disappear because it's the Monday before a holiday weekend.
If you're a small business struggling to tell your brand story and use that story to effectively communicate with your target audience in an authentic and meaningful way, you probably don't care what day of the week it is.
I know I don't. 👀
So why does it matter that it's a "short week," what the temperature is outside, or if you have a vacation planned at the end of the month? Small businesses need all the marketing support they can get 365 days a year.
Reason Number Two:
My research told me to do it. Well, kind of.
According to my research, July is the worst month to launch a new business-to-business brand or product. I have a B2B business model. LOL 😭
But here's what my research also said...
Most B2B service offerings have long sales cycles. Companies, especially small businesses that are conservative with their funds, take time to consider and evaluate investing in services like marketing.
July is an opportunity for me to start talking to small business owners about how I can help them turn their target audiences into paying customers. It's a month of answering questions about how businesses should and shouldn't message their products and services. It's a time to build relationships so that come September, businesses have no doubt (shout to Gwen) that defining their brand story and establishing a content marketing plan will drive their business forward.
Reason Number Three:
I'm ready to cut the virtual ribbon.
If you've been around me for the last few months, you've probably thought, "She looks like she needs a drink."
My response to that is: "Pour me a stiff one." 🍸
I've been busy. I've been heads-down. I've been in planning mode.
I've been writing my brand story, messaging identity, content pillars, brand voice, and tone, defining and understanding my target audience, and determining what digital marketing channels I should use to communicate with them.
I am ready to move from planning and development to implementation and performance.
So that's it. That's three reasons why I am launching my brand on Monday, July 1, 2024.
Need more convincing that it's going to be a good day?
The Savannah sun will definitely be shining.
My social media posts will involve sparkles.
Small business owners will learn they have a new marketing resource that is more than ready to help their businesses succeed.
See ya then. 👋🏼 ✨